Nature in early October

Is it fall yet?  It was cool on the morning I was at Chinsegut Wildlife area in early October. Only 75 degrees at 8am. It warmed up quick but was a nice change from the summer heat.

It actually felt a little like fall even though it was warm.

Color along the trail.

Heading down to the lake, I thought these fallen logs covered in moss were interesting. Nature’s artwork?  Out at the lake it was quiet.

A few little critters. The first is a cicada which are usually hard to spot although you can easily hear them. This one landed in the tree right in front of me.

There wasn’t many birds at the feeders. Only a lone chickadee. I think there’s more food for them out in the wild at this point in the season.

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Stuff in the swamp

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Saw this gator chomping on a fish.




Pretty green lizards.



Another reason to stay away from the squirrels. The bottom pictures shows a big sore near his back.  This is a botfly bite. I won’t gross you out with the details. It doesn’t kill the squirrels but is probably just very itchy and annoying.  Eventually it should heal. I see these sores a lot on the squirrels in the summer.


A fancy lunch left over by the limpkins.


I think this is some type of cicada. He was making a lot of  noise for such a tiny bug.


Pretty in the swamp.

All from a July walk at Lettuce Lake Park.

LIFE THRU THE LENS weekly linkup | Lisa Kerner | Simply Living Phtography