Big ball of fire in the trees.






This was the most popular bird at Fort Desoto on a Saturday morning in early October. Not that summer tanagers are very rare during migration. Not because he was a juvenile male that hadn’t completely molted into his red feathers yet. It was his curiosity and his willingness to show off that everyone was taking a ton of pictures of him. He was hanging out very low in the trees while all of the other birds stayed up high. He would bring his snack to a visible spot for all to see while he was eating.



He would swoop down and get very close and pose for everyone. People with long lenses were pulling out their phones to take pictures of him. I took the two above with my phone. You can see the orange and yellow dot sitting on the big branch in the first one. He really had everyone entertained that morning.

Linking to Saturday’s Critters

5 thoughts on “Big ball of fire in the trees.

  1. Hello, beautiful shots of the Summer Tanager. It is a gorgeous bird. Lucky you! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

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