A new owl family

After the loss of both great horned owl parents (and babies) in 2022 in a nearby park from rat poison I was hesitant to stop by when I heard a new couple had moved into the nest tree. New owls met and paired up last year and hung around the nest for several months but did not have babies. I never did make it over there because I was still heart broken after the loss of the family the year before. The locals named them Odie and Dory (named after Odet Philippe and his wife Dorothy who were the first settlers in Safety Harbor and brought grapefruit to the area). This year I heard they were back and on a nest so I stopped by in late January to see Dory up on the nest.

Odie was nearby napping in the moss.

In early February I made another stop and Dory was still on the nest but there was a rumor that someone had seen a tiny baby on the nest. She was acting like something was going on but we didn’t see any feeding yet.  Maybe the baby was still too small to see and the nest was much higher up and harder to see.

Two weeks later we could see the baby. This was right before sunset and we waited until dark hoping to catch a feeding but Dad didn’t come in with food until it was too dark to shoot anything.

A week later I took my sister over to see the owls while she was visiting. Odie was moving around and being cute. It looked like he was eating a bug on the branch.

The baby was sitting up on a branch a few feet away from Mom where it was very visible.  It mostly slept while we were there and we didn’t stay long. This was the last I saw of it. I heard a few days later the baby was seen injured and then disappeared. People think another raptor must have gotten the baby. The non-expert owl watchers were thinking since Dory was a new Mom she wasn’t sure how to take care of it. Either way it was sad again. We’ll have to wait until next winter to see if they nest again.

3 thoughts on “A new owl family

  1. Hello,
    Love the Owl photos, the babies are adorable. It is sad to think the baby was injured and did not make it. Nature can be cruel. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  2. I’m sorry the baby went missing and I sure hope this pair survive! What gorgeous photos and such a fun bird to watch!

  3. Oh that’s the tough part about watching wildlife. Hard to accept even though knowing we have to. May Dory and Odie succeed next season. Sallie (from Fort Myers)

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