September in the yard

I looked out the back window one morning and saw deer on our patio. One was so close. I took these with my camera through the window. I knew they would take off if I opened the door but I think they still saw me.

One walked over to my Christmas cactus (that wasn’t blooming at the time) and started eating it. I took a video of if and above is one of the stills. She demolished it. It was a small one and wasn’t doing very well so I didn’t try and stop her. I replanted the pot with petunias.

Bluebirds taking a bath.

Across the fairway I could see a spoonbill sleeping under a tree. I went outside and snapped the above from our little yard. A little later I saw it feeding in the newly formed pond from the much needed rain we had. I didn’t see anyone on the course so I snuck across to get a little closer.

I sat down under a nearby tree and watched as the spoonbill was feeding. A juvenile little blue heron and a few white ibis were also there.

The young turkey showed up with Mom again. I went outside and took these. They didn’t seem to mind me sitting in the grass nearby. They stayed for a while, pecking around the yard.

I saw another lone turkey taking a nap (or a dirt bath) nearby.

I finally saw the twins in my neighborhood. I was coming home from running errands and had my camera in the car. I pulled over right before my house and snapped them heading into the woods at the end of our street.

The view from across the street in mid-September.

I took these with my phone from the upstairs bathroom window. This was the only night we had a good lightning storm this summer.

SkyWatch Friday

10 thoughts on “September in the yard

  1. What a treat! Deer in the yard, even if they are eating all your plants. And the turkeys, and the other critters!

  2. What a view you have of wildlife and skies and water. You picked a perfect spot to live. No stopping the car to snap a shot. Just open the door to your home and walk outside. You are blessed!

  3. So much action in your neighborhood. We did not have turkeys in south Florida, but plenty of them here in Connecticut. Love the spoonbill photos and the spotted fawns. Our fawns were born in early spring and all lost their spots within 4-6 weeks.

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