The usual visitors

Usual critters in the backyard in late October into early November. Bambi was still hanging around the backyard. Her spots were completely gone by this time.

Another visit from the usual winter visitors. A black and white warbler, bluebird, red bellied woodpecker and a house finch.

I saw this pine warbler hopping around our patio, mostly hiding under the chair.

Another visit from an immature indigo bunting. Maybe they like my backyard. It would be nice if they would come back in April when they are all blue.

Doves don’t get a lot of attention but they do have cool pink feet. And, they always pose so nicely for me.

Visitors at the feeder include a red bellied woodpecker, bluebirds, chickadees, a downy woodpecker and blue jays.

Sitting outside staring up in the trees, looking for birds. I don’t sit out here often because the birds disappear when I go outside. Only the titmouse and chickadees will come to the feeder if I’m out there. Also the mosquitoes will attack even with bug spray on so until this recent cold spell it’s been really buggy out there.

7 thoughts on “The usual visitors

  1. Love the sweet deer and all your birds. The Bluebirds and the Black and White Warbler are favorites. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I wish you all the best in 2023, a happy and healthy New Year! PS, thank you for all your links this past year.

  2. We are seeing some of these birds here too and have an active feeder today with the light rain. I should try to sit out and get photos of the feeders soon. I love the bluebirds and chickadee photo best! Happy New year!

  3. I especially like those Pine Warblers. So far have not seen any since moving to Connecticut. Happy New Year!

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