Too early or too late?

In mid-November I went looking for some fall color near my home. I wasn’t expecting to find much but the bald cypress trees turn orange during this time so I was hoping I wasn’t too early or late. The trees at Kapok Park were mostly still green or had already lost their leaves. While there was only a hint of orange, the park still looked pretty with the lake surrounded by the cypress trees.

One of the many crooked trees at the park.

I can’t remember what this plant is but when the wind blows it looks like it’s snowing.

9 thoughts on “Too early or too late?

  1. Gorgeous photos, even without the fall color. Not sure what that plant is, but it reminds me of Cottonwood trees, which also release a fluffy material and make it look like it’s snowing! Have a Happy New Year!

  2. I’m really good at predicting when trees will offer us some bright colors. Just as soon as I see them doing it!

    I believe your “snowing” plant is Saltbush (Baccharis halimifolia) , also called Groundsel Tree and Sea Myrtle.

    Happy New Year, Dina!

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