Blue moon, you left me standing…

on a beach with about 50 other people and a million mosquitos.  I almost didn’t go. I thought, I’ll catch it next year. But then I read it only comes “once in a blue moon” or every couple of years. It’s when there’s a second full month in a month.  It won’t happen again until July 2015. So I headed down to Fort Desoto after work on Friday and waiting for the moon to show it’s blue face. I some friends there and we hung out waiting for the moon to clear the clouds that were hanging behind the bridge. Once it came out, it was bright and beautiful. Total worth the 50 or so bug bites I got (even with 2 coats of Off).

Last shot before leaving the beach.

Earlier, the sun was shining down on the water. This was taken from the bay pier.

The sun was going down behind the trees and the bugs came out in full force.

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