Guess what’s for breakfast

Mom was digging around in the nest early one morning in February and pulled up a rat. I’m going to be repetitive about using rat poison. Owls love rats. When people use rat poison the rats don’t die right away. They wander off and the owls pick them up and eat them. Owls can easily die from a rat that has eaten rat poison.  You don’t need to use it. The owls (eagles and hawks as well) will take care of the rats.

I spent a good part of the morning waiting for the baby owls to wake up and then  watching Mom taking turns feeding the babies.  Doesn’t that look yummy!?!  It was an overcast day, I was using my long lens and these are extremely cropped up so they aren’t quite as clear as I would have liked. But that’s okay. I’d rather be standing half way across the beach than too close. I didn’t make it back out later to see these little ones completely grown. On a sad circle of life note, I heard that one went missing and a team of people spent all morning looking for it. They think it may have fallen during the night. The area has a lot of coyotes that we don’t see during the day so one of them or an eagle could have gotten it.

3 thoughts on “Guess what’s for breakfast

  1. Owls are so special to see and it would be a real treat to see the young ones. That’s a good point about rat poison. We know that Hawks and owls eat the rats and mice here and we’re glad for that!

  2. WOW, what an awesome series on the Owls, the young ones are adorable. Cute photos. I wish people did not use poisons for the rodents and on their lawns. Awesome series of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

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