A quiet cold walk in January

The cattails and the spider webs were showing up in the early morning sun at Possum Branch Preserve.

Bright pops of red in early January. It was finally starting to look like fall (only in central Florida does it look like fall right before spring).

Birds were scarce this Saturday morning. Other than the usual birds, I only saw a house wren and a thrasher.

Pelican fly by along the canal.

Two coots have taken up residents for the winter in the main pond.

This guy didn’t look that big (taken with my zoom lens).

When I got around the other side of the pond and saw him spread out, he looked much bigger.

3 thoughts on “A quiet cold walk in January

  1. I miss Florida ….even the gators. But especially all the birds! You find so many nearby places to go for great wildlife viewing. (And even your ‘nothing special’ days look pretty great, especially from here in ‘not Florida’.

  2. Great shot of the pelican flying!

    I have been so amazed at how many coots I’ve seen in Arizona. Perhaps these two got tired of the cold and wind in AZ this winter and decided to check out Florida instead.

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