Growing old quickly

The young wood storks have such interesting faces. They lose that hint of blue and pink in their beaks when they get older. It’s a shame they look so old so fast. There were a lot of young ones at the rookery in north Tampa back in early June. Many were practicing their wing flaps.

This young one was eating something gunky. That orange gunk doesn’t look like regurgitated fish.

The adults were busy going about their day. The one in the bottom picture looks like he has paint across his back. Maybe he brushed up against something. He seemed okay.

2 thoughts on “Growing old quickly

  1. eileeninmd – Hello, here is a little about me. I am married and one son. I love the outdoors, hiking birding and enjoying beautiful scenery. I love to travel. I have two other blogs that I share my travels and birding.
    eileeninmd on said:

    Great post on the Wood Storks. The young ones are growing quickly. Wonderful captures of the stork rookery. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend!

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