Birds at Lighthouse Beach


Close up of a juvenile reddish egret. He was hanging around the fisherman on the beach.

Laughing gulls on the beach. One screaming and one hopping around on one foot.

Snowy egrets around the pier.

There’s always an osprey nest near the water. It’s a little early for mating so she must have been just hanging around.

A few of the birds at the Lighthouse beach on Sanibel Island.

Linking to Saturday’s Critters

3 thoughts on “Birds at Lighthouse Beach

  1. Hello, love the Reddish Egret and gulls. Great shots of the Snowy Egret and Osprey. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your Saturday and the weekend!

  2. Kelleyn – Hi! My ame is Kelleyn and I have always had a love for photography. As a child I could spend hours pouring over photoalbums. I love how photography captures moments in time, brings us together, and can say so much more than just a single word. I am a wife, a mother to six, I love to cook, and enjoy traveling.
    kelleyn rothaermel on said:

    Beautiful images!

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