Take a camera photo tour of Marsh Rabbit Run trail.


Views from the intersection of Marsh Rabbit Run Trail and Heron Hideout Trail.

Looking down the channels from the blind.

Views from the end of Marsh Rabbit run trail. This was Wading Bird Way trail. The yellow sign says “Do NOT bother the gators, or any other wildlife.” It also says that if an alligator is sleeping on the trail, to turn around and go back the other way (lots of other trails to take instead). You are not to try and wake him up and get him to move or try and step over him. It was a quiet morning in early March. I was the only one on the trail.

Heading back on Marsh Rabbit Run trail, you can see the raised dirt trail with water on both sides. There’s gators in that water so you have to watch where you’re going in case one of them walks up on the trail.

The trees along the trail are full of moss.

A view of one small section of Circle B Bar Reserve  in Lakeland Florida. This was early in the morning. By 10am the trails are usually full of people.

6 thoughts on “Take a camera photo tour of Marsh Rabbit Run trail.

  1. I enjoyed this early morning walk with you. Believe me, I wouldn’t try to step over an alligator! The sky mirrored in the water is quite beautiful.

  2. How I wish I could get to Circle B early in the morning! It’s so beautiful — we love it there, but it is a once-a-season treat. (I posted a picture of that sign a while ago. Don’t want anybody coming to our beautiful state and thinking they should jump over sleeping alligators after all ;>)))

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