The kite was getting a snail.

A snail kite comes sailing over my head, right into the sun.

He takes a dive towards the water. Looks like he’s heading straight down.

He lands halfway into the water.

He comes up out of the water flapping his wings hard.

Success! He flies off with a snail.

Away he goes in the other direction but you can see he has a good grip on the snail. He flew off to the other side of the lake to enjoy his snack.  I saw this happening on my 2nd trip to Medard Park on a Sunday afternoon. I had been there for a while when he came by. The sun was about to go down behind the trees. They seem to be more active in the early morning so I’m going to try and head out there early again. I don’t know if these snail kites will stay here all winter. There’s plenty of apple snails for them to eat so maybe they will.


9 thoughts on “The kite was getting a snail.

  1. Liz – Hi! My name is Liz. I am a WAHM and I love to cook and bake. Welcome to Yummy as can be, where I'll be highlighting my favorite food recipes, events and restaurant reviews. I have been blogging since 2007 and has worked with a lot of clients. If you want to collaborate with me, you can contact me at mlizcochico(at)gmail(dot)com.
    Liz on said:

    Wonderful shots! Happy MOM.

    Mine are here and here.

  2. Lorik – Australia – I am returning after an unplanned absence. At the time I left all that was the internet, I even neglected emails which ended up proving to be quite expensive later, stoppedjewellery making and even painting. I continued photogtaphy but not digital art. I read a lot, my favourite Nordic Noir authors continue to fascinate me. I have enjoyed seeing some of them made into telivision series and films. My my blog has now developed into a website where I show my revived old and new passions. I hope my old friends and some new will join me. During my absence from technology I discovered that my neglected backyard could be become a new art project. This project is a shared one, my husband and son helping with the difficult building transformation, and me learning how to garden and enjoy treating it also as a work of art. This is still a project in progress as you will see in Garden Art. As a grandmother of a now 8 year old boy I have enjoyed not only looking at kids art but developed a new interest in making art for children. I will I include Child Art in my site. Of course I have a gallery showcasing my recent art, as well as some old favoutites, Art Gallery. MandarinOrangaMonday is back just as before. Post your own original art ( any form) and Art Photography which has the colour orange dominant.
    Lori on said:

    Amazing capture! What timing! Great shots! Thank you for being part of Mandarin Orange Monday:)

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